Celebrating 20 Years in Business
FIT4MOM, formerly known as Stroller Strides, Celebrates 20 Years in Baltimore
Shortly after its inception in San Diego in 2001, Stroller Strides became a franchised business. This social fitness community for moms landed in Baltimore in February 2004 thanks to Amy Fallavena. Amy initially operated within Baltimore City and Baltimore County. As time went on, the local business changed hands and came to operate as two separate locations. Eventually, as more fitness programs were offered beyond Stroller Strides, the nationwide franchise changed its name to FIT4MOM. Learn more about the history of the FIT4MOM Baltimore City location through the words of a few of the amazing women we have to thank for making the magic happen over the last 20 years.

Amy Fallavena, owner 2004-2006
From a Facebook post in 2019: “Hi! I'm the original owner of Stroller Strides (now Fit4Mom) in Baltimore 15 [now 20] yrs ago! We moved to Baltimore (from California) when my son was 6 months old and I don't know what I would have done without it. I gained the best friendships and village from that experience and when we moved back to California (to a new city) I opened one there as well. A little history on Baltimore SS...I opened two indoor locations (Owings Mills and Federal Hill) the same week (this week)...and grew quickly to offering 13 classes per week in locations such as Federal Hill, Maryland Science Center [pictured above], Baltimore Zoo, Canton, Towson Town Center, Owings Mills Mall, Kenilworth Mall, Meadowood Park, the JCC...and there were a few other parks sprinkled in there as well. I was fortunate to have some super instructors and participants (I'll tag a few here) and again can't say enough about the experience. My kids rode in the stroller so they could attend classes until they were old enough to go to Kinder (and even then occasionally would have to succumb to classes)...it was all about entertaining them so we could have an hour and movement, and quality social time for all of us afterward. An experience I wouldn't change for the world. I AM ON TOP OF THE WORLD KNOWING BALTIMORE IS STILL GOING STRONG! KEEP IT UP!”
Stephanie McWilliams, owner 2006-2010
From a Facebook post in 2019: “I was the second owner/operator of Stroller Strides Baltimore City and was the one who coined it “Baltimore City” when the larger franchise run by Amy Fallavena separated. This was from roughly July 2006 through August of 2010, and I also included Fit2Deliver [now FIT4BABY] & Lean [an early version of Body Well]. Such an awesome period in my life, as a new mom and fitness professional. Met so many wonderful women and kids, and feel so privileged to have gotten to know them through this awesome program!!”

Beata Lorinc, owner 2010 - 2011
Shane Splitt & Tina Gahagan, co-owners 2011 - 2014
Rachel Felling & Rachel Wagner, co-owners 2014 - 2015
A recent reflection from Rachel Felling:
"Teaming up with Rachel Wagner to run FIT4MOM Baltimore City was one of the most exciting (and slightly scary!) things I have been able to do. We had both fallen in love with different FIT4MOM programs as new moms, and when the opportunity came up to take the reins for the Baltimore City franchise, it just seemed like a no-brainer. We had a ton of work ahead of us as new owners, but it was all worth it! We fought hard to get the word out about our programs, added new locations, and built community partners. It was far from easy, but watching moms show up to classes and enjoy moving their bodies while also building community made it all worth it. We watched clients become friends with each other, saw their little ones grow and play, and had the incredible privilege of helping to build a village for the new moms of Baltimore City. Running FIT4MOM Baltimore City alongside Rachel was one of the most fulfilling things I have done in my career. When our family relocated out of state, Rachel decided to keep going solo and I knew the franchise would be in great hands. She leads with passion and believes in the FIT4MOM community deeply. I am so happy, and not at all surprised, to see FIT4MOM Baltimore City still going strong after all these years under Rachel's leadership."
Below: Rachel Felling (left), Rachel Wagner (right)

Rachel Wagner, owner 2016 - Present
“I am so thrilled to have owned the franchise these last 10 years. I owe many thanks to Shane Splitt, former owner and my first instructor, for welcoming me into this wonderful community and connecting me with my very first group of mom friends. I am also deeply grateful to Rachel Felling, and love that we were able to learn and grow together as mothers and new business owners, and become the closest of friends. When I think of all the instructors and members who have helped grow and strengthen this village, I can't help but to be overwhelmed by gratitude. For everything FIT4MOM has given to its members - the friendships, the strength, the monthly nights out - it has given to me, and then some. I learned that I could successfully own my own business, lead a team, stay the course for a whole decade, and power through a pandemic. What an amazing journey it has been! Nearly all of my best experiences as a mom have come in some way from FIT4MOM. I love giving to other moms what FIT4MOM gave to me, and I look forward to keeping the fun going with my own 10th anniversary celebration later this year. Save the date for our FIT4MOM Prom: June 1, 2024.”
If you've experienced strength in motherhood with FIT4MOM (by any name) in Baltimore City, we'd love to hear your story! Please share in the comments on our Facebook or Instagram posts!